Chicago is fortunate to be home for the world’s only museum that contains a permanent collection focusing on the subject of war from the artistic perspective of the people who experienced all of the suffering, horrors, and realities of war - the veterans themselves. The museum contains paintings, photography, sculpture, and poetry, all created by veterans as a chronicle of their personal experiences in war. To view war through the eyes of those who were intimately involved in it offers a very different experience from much of the traditional military art.
Unfortunately, the space the museum currently occupies will no longer be available, so the museum needs to find a new home. It also needs to raise nearly $3 million to pay for the relocation and ongoing operating expenses. Otherwise, the museum will have to close.
I have been to the National Veterans Art Museum, and I can tell you that it is a very moving experience. It provides a perspective on war through art that one cannot find anywhere else. Knowing that all of the artwork was created by the people who lived through the experiences depicted allows for an understanding of and connection with the veterans’ war experiences on a level seldom reached.
The National Veterans Art Museum also provides valuable education resources to Chicago. The museum works with the Chicago Public Schools to bring students to the museum and to provide artist/veteran speakers in classrooms who talk to the students about their experiences in war, coming home, and art therapy. The museum has also hosted students from various Chicago universities.
If the National Veterans Art Museum is forced to close, this city and this country will lose a unique and valuable resource. All of the artwork will be placed in storage, and everyone – both now and future generations - will lose the opportunity to understand what war is really like through the eyes of those who know it best.
You can help ensure that this doesn’t happen with a donation. It’s easy to do. Just click here to donate anywhere from $10 to $1,000. If, for some reason, this link doesn’t work, then go to the National Veterans Art Museum website at and scroll down to the “Help Us Save NVAM” article.
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