Saturday, January 29, 2011

Free days at Chicago museums for February 2011

While the month of free days at the Art Institute may be coming to a close, there are still plenty of opportunities to enjoy many of Chicago’s museums for free in February (members always receive free admission every day).

Art Institute of Chicago.  Free Tuesday-Friday (including evenings), February 1-4; Thursdays Feb. 10, 17, and 24.  Free the first full weekend (Feb. 5-6) for Bank of America credit or debit card holders (must show card and photo ID; valid for card holder only).  Open Mon-Wed. ; Thurs-Fri ; Sat.-Sun.
111 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago
. 312-443-0849

Chicago Children’s Museum.  Free for everyone every Thursday ( only); free for ages 15 and under Sunday, February 6.   Open every day (Thursdays until ).  Navy Pier,
700 E. Grand Ave., Chicago
. 312-527-1000.

Chicago History Museum.  Free for everyone every Monday; free every day for members of DuSable Museum and National Museum of Mexican Art.  Open Mon.-Sat. -, Sun. Noon-5pm. 
1601 N. Clark St., Chicago
. 312-642-4600.

DuSable Museum of African American History.  Free for everyone every Sunday; free on school days for Chicago Public School students; free February 5-6  for Bank of America credit or debit card holders (must show card and photo ID; valid for card holder only).  Open Tues.-Sat. ; Sun. noon-5pm.  740 East 56th Place (corner of 57th& Cottage Grove), Chicago.  773-947-0600

Field Museum.  Monday, Feb. 14, Tuesdays, Feb. 8 and 15, Wednesdays, Feb. 2 and 9, Thursdays, Feb. 3 and 17.  Open every day (last admission at ). 
1400 S. Lake Shore Dr., Chicago
.  312-922-9410.

Museum of Contemporary Art.  Free for everyone every Tuesday; free Saturday, February 12 for families with children 12 and younger ( only with special Family Day activities).  Open Tues. , Wed.-Sun.
220 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago
. 312-280-2660.

Museum of Contemporary Photography.  Free every day.  Open Mon.-Sat. (Thurs. until ), Sun. (closed when Columbia College is closed).
600 S. Michigan Ave.
at Columbia College, Chicago. 312-663-5554.

Museum of Science and Industry.  Free Monday, Feb. 14 and every Tuesday, Feb. 1, 8, 15, 22.  Open .  57h Street and
Lake Shore Drive, Chicago

National Museum of Mexican Art.  Free every day. Open Tues.-Sun. -5pm.
1852 W. 19th Street, Chicago
. 312-738-1503.

Nature Museum.  Thursday is “suggested donation” day. Open Mon-Fri, -4:30pm; Sat-Sun -5pm. 2430 N. Cannon Dr. (just north of Lincoln Park Zoo), Chicago.  773-755-5100.

The Oriental Institute.  Free every day (suggested donation $7 adults, $4 children).  Closed New Years Day.  Open Tues.-Sat. (Wed. until ), Sun. 12-6pm.
1155 East 58th Street
at University of Chicago. 773-702-9514.

Shedd Aquarium.  Free for everyone Sunday, Feb. 20; Mondays, Feb. 7, 14, 21, 28; Tuesdays, Feb. 1, 8, 15, 22; Wednesday, Feb. 23; Thursday, Feb. 24.  Free February 5-6 for Bank of America credit or debit card holders (must show card and photo ID; valid for card holder only).  Open Mon-Sun .  1200 S. 
Lake Shore Dr., Chicago

Smart Museum of Art.  Free every day.  Open Tues.-Fri (Thurs. until ), Sat.-Sun. -
5550 S. Greenwood Ave.
at University of Chicago. 773-702-0200.

Swedish Museum.  Tuesday, February 8.  Open -4pm (general museum), (children’s museum). 
5211 N Clark St, Chicago

Lincoln Park Zoo.  Free every day (Zoolights continues through Sunday, Jan.2). Open .
2001 N. Clark St., Chicago
. 312-742-2000.

In addition to the free days, Chicago Public Library branches have free passes to a number of Chicago’s most popular museums, good for up to four people for one week.  All you need to do is show your Chicago Public Library card and choose any available pass.

You can get information about parking, driving directions, and public transportation at each museum's website.

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