Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cut your own Christmas tree at Illinois Christmas tree farms

We all know that artificial Christmas trees are very convenient, but there’s nothing like the aroma of a freshly cut, live tree.  Just walking through a Christmas tree lot brings back all kinds of Christmas memories from years past.

If you’re willing to maintain a live tree, head to a Christmas tree farm and start a new tradition with family or friends this year by cutting down your own Christmas tree.

There are many Christmas tree farms in the greater Chicagoland area.  To get more information about any of the listed farms, just click on the name.  Please call BEFORE driving there to get directions and hours and to ask about prices and types of trees available.  Also make sure that saws are provided, and ask if tree shaking (to remove loose needles) and baling (to compress and bundle the tree) are available.  Some farms also offer activities for the kids, so if you’re bringing children, ask about that as well. 

DeKalb County

Larson’s Family Farm.  http://www.larsonfamilyfarm.com  Cut your own tree.  Saws provided and trees bagged.  Also available for purchase are Christmas wreaths and decorations. 
4404 Somonauk Road
, Sandwich.  815-786-2249.

DuPage County

Marmion Abbey http://www.abbeyfarms.org/Abbey_Farms/Home_.html offers cut-your-own and pre-cut trees.  Proceeds support the various ministries performed by the Monks at Marmion Abbey. 
850 Butterfield Rd.
  Aurora.  630-897-6936.

Kane County

Honeybee Acres Christmas Tree Farm http://honeybeeacreschristmastreefarm.net/.  Family-run business.  Cut your own tree, which is then put through a tree shaker to remove as many loose needles as possible.  Honeybee Acres Christmas Tree Farm.  41w072
Bowes Rd,, Elgin
.  847-464-9627.

Kuipers Family Farm.  http://www.kuipersfamilyfarm.com/  Cut your own tree.  1N318
Watson Road
, Maple Park.  815-827-5200.

Lee’s Trees.  http://www.leestreesusa.com/ Cut your own tree.  Saw provided.  They will shake it clean, bale it, and help you load it.  Also have pre-cut trees and holiday decorations for sale.  45W002
Lees Road
, Lily Lake.  630-365-2116

Spring Bluff Nursery.  http://www.springbluffnursery.com/ Cut your own tree.  Free loading and baling available.  Fresh, handmade wreaths, boughs, swags for sale.  Free hayrides to and from field.   41W130
Norris Road
, Sugar Grove.  630-466-4278.

Kankakee County

Cupola House Tree Farm.  http://www.cupolahousetrees.com  Cut your own pesticide-free tree .  Wreaths and garlands for sale.  Free hot spiced cider and hayrides.  Saws and ropes provided for tying tree to your car.  4030 N. 3000W Road, Bourbonnais.  815-932-NOEL (6635).  

Lake County

Gengel Tree Farm (no website).  Cut your own or pre-cut trees available.  Saws provided.  Trees bagged and tied to car.   Wreaths and Christmas decorations for sale.  38614 North Fairfield, Lake Villa.  847-356-5661.

Lake Cuchicachi Tree Farm (no website).  Cut your own tree.  Saws, tree shaking, baling, and tying provided.  Gift shop and refreshment stand. 
19505 West State Line Road, Antioch
. 847-395-7919.

McHenry County

Ben’s Christmas Tree Farm.  http://www.benstreefarm.com  Pesticide-free trees you choose and cut.  Free tree shaking and baling.  Free horse-drawn wagon rides.  Wreaths, garlands, boughs and swags for sale.   Farm animals for the kids to visit.  In the country at the very end of a dead-end road. 
7720 Ryan Road
, Harvard,  630-279-0216.

Cal & Shan’s Christmas Tree Farm.  http://www.calandshans.com/  Cut your own or choose a pre-cut tree.  Saws and tree baling and tying provided.  Christmas decorations for sale. 
14216 Thayer Road, Woodstock
.  815-648-2300.

Pine-Apple Tree Farm.  http://www.pine-applefarm.com   Cut your own tree.  Saws, shaking, baling, string, and loading provided.  
309 Three Oaks Road, Cary
.  847-639-3248.

Richardson Christmas Tree Farm.  http://www.richardsonadventurefarm.com  Cut your own tree or purchase a pre-cut tree.  Free tree shaking and baling.  Free wagon rides to the trees.  Wreaths, garlands, and freshly made donuts and kettle corn for sale. 
9407 Richardson Road
, Spring Grove.  815-675-9729.

Will County

Bengston Tree Farm.  http://www.treefarmusa.com/  Cut your own tree.  Saws provided.  Print coupon on website for free tree shaking and baling.  Accept only cash or check.  10919
W. Wilmington Road
, Peotone.  708.258.9610.

Green Garden Christmas Tree Farm (no website).  Cut your own tree.  Saw and hand cart provided.  Free tree shaking and baling. Free wagon ride to field.  Complimentary coffee, cocoa, juice, and cookies. 
11615 Pauling Road, Manhattan
.  815-469-2233.

Tammen Treeberry Farm.  http://www.tammentreeberryfarm.net/btammen  Cut your own tree.  Baling and tree shaking available. 
37131 Essex Road, Wilmington
.  800-892-5989 or 815-458-6264.

To care for your live Christmas tree, the National Tree Association recommends the following:

Before you cut, walk around the tree in a circle several times and look at it from different angles to make sure the trunk is straight.

Make a horizontal cut across the base, leaving 6 to 8 inches of trunk so the tree will sit properly in the stand.

Take advantage of the shaking and baling services at the farm to remove any dead needles or debris and protect it from the wind on the ride home.

Once home, place the tree in its stand and keep the reservoir filled with tap water to keep it fresh. No special preservative needed.

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